One of our first discussions was learning how to "Sell yourself", which was very interesting and got me thinking. I think its really important to figure out what's driving you, what moves you forward in your life, career or hobby/sport, write it down and keep it somewhere. When you start to begin to feel overwhelmed or lost, and asking those questions like "Why did I do this to myself?!" you can look back and remember why.
Once we figure out what is driving us, the next thing to figure out is where you are driving to. We often make a wrong turn, or have a passenger that may steer us astray, and as long as we have a map handy, we won't get lost. Have you seen those pictures people draw that are of what we think success is (a straight arrow pointed upwards) and what it really is (squiggly line mess)? So when we experience that let down, a failure or a road block, we should remember the direction we originally intended to go with life.
Success can only be defined by yourself. Only you can be the judge of whether or not you are successful. If you compare you success to others, you are likely to feel inadequate and a failure. It is important to realize that you are not the only one who will be on this road to success- you will find help and distractions along the way, but to remember to not judge yourself or others against each other.
So I will stop my preaching, and get on with putting down on the internet where I see myself going with Physical therapy.
Once I graduate school, I plan to start working on my Fellowship in Manual Therapy. This not only empowers me to become the best clinician possible, but a leader in the field of Physical Therapy. Not only do I plan on educating and helping my clients, but I intend to use my knowledge to help the community I live in and the PTs I work along side, furthering the level of respect and knowledge of PT. I believe that in order to provide the best patient-centered care is by working on a team of professionals. I want to work on a team that has incentive to heal a person and not just to just "do stuff" to them. I want to be that person who people think of coming to when their shoulder hurts (or their back or knee) and who other professionals refer their patients to for "conservative" treatment. I plan on taking Physical Therapy to the next level of care, we are no longer going to just be rehabilitation but the primary provider when it comes to neuromuscular issues.
So there's my declaration, whats yours?