***I tried to post this last week, I am still trying to figure out this blogging thing, so if this is a duplicate post, my apologies.
Ok, so what began as kind of a joke has now consumed my thoughts and has become somewhat relevant. The power of the pyramid. It all started with me finding a homemade pyramid in the kitchen at the a house I moved into last month. I asked my roommate, "what's up with the pyramid?" After all, it was taking up valuable space on my herb shelf. My roommate replies that his friend made it and gave it to him because of the powers it encompasses. Ok, sweet... the pyramid stays on the herb shelf.
A few weeks later, I am at my herbal companion's house and her healing friend comes over. We chat, and it turns out she is a massage therapist and decorates her healing room with pyramids. I chuckle to myself while keeping a straight face and later tell my roommate about conversation.
Later on, I was pondering the lessons I had learned in my psychology class this week and I realize that the two concepts that I enjoyed the most were also pyramids!
One is called the pyramid of talk. This has a base that consists of small talk, then above it is Informative talk, next is emotional talk, then comes crucial and secretive talk. In order to accomplish the higher levels of the pyramid, you must lay the foundations. This is the basis of relationships, whether it be with your new or old friends, boy/girlfriend, wife/husband, teacher/pupil, etc. In order to build a trusting relationship, you must start at the bottom.. You also have to keep building that lower level in order to accomplish the higher "Big Talk". You can't skip levels either. If you just meet someone, and they are only informing you about the facts of the world or unleashing their emotions all over you, that friendship will diminish. The pyramid comes crumbling down when any of the base levels are compromised. Brilliant.
The next pyramid we talked about was Sternberg's Components of Love. Now this is more of a triangle, but none the less, it looks a lot like a pyramid in my drawing. So the three points on the triangle are Intimacy at the top, and Passion and Commitment at the two other ends. In between these points are the three types of love that are a product of the points they are in between of; Romantic love, companion love and consumate love. Let me just draw a picture. Ok, according to Sternberg's consummate love is the ultimate way to happiness, and inorder to have this you must have all three components. If not, you're love will be of a different kind. It doesnt necessarily mean that what you have is bad or wrong or less than the ultimate "consummate" love. But with many people who are my age, not yet married and fully committed to a man or woman, it might be a good tool to use to help predict the future of the relationship you are in.
So, maybe those Egyptians were on to something... Pyramids might be powerful, at least, symbolically powerful.Thank you for reading my ramblings.
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